• About

Text Community

Network of Controllable Prosumers in Walenstadt

Building a test community

In order to get to the bottom of a reliable and robust solution for the energy grid of the future, close cooperation between the research groups and the population of Walenstadt is an important prerequisite. The Energy Day of the municipality of Walenstadt in May 2024 was a good opportunity to introduce the Grid2050 project to the population and to launch the development of a test community.

At the same time, a lot of work and clarifications were carried out in the background. Various studies were carried out in which, for example, an optimal smart grid communication infrastructure or flexible export limits in a laboratory power grid were investigated. In addition, the dynamic condition estimate of the WEW power grid was the subject of research. At the same time, the OST began to evaluate and plan the construction of a communication infrastructure through which the test community can be more involved in the future.

Communication via a suitable energy management system

An energy management system (EMS) with a built-in communication module was evaluated as the basis for this communication infrastructure, with which households can optimize their own energy balance, thereby reduce their electricity bill and at the same time relieve the power grid in the best possible way.

A few days ago, the research team decided on the EMS of the Swiss company Solar Manager AG. In the fall, the Solar Manager Gateway was extensively tested for functionality, usability and compatibility in two households with different production and consumption devices. In close contact with the manufacturer, additional functionality was also requested.

At the same time, those members of the test community with power generation and / or load management systems were contacted and asked to provide the information about the installed devices. Based on this detailed information, it was possible to analyze which devices are compatible with the selected EMS, which could be made compatible with additional effort or which are not compatible at all according to today's status.